Stephen Wilks studied at the Rijksuniversity Amsterdam. He creates installations, takes photographs and draws. His works, exemplifying grotesque and cheerful engagement, can be found throughout the world.
It was in particular »Travelling with my donkey« that made Stephen Wilks renowned. In 1999, he sewed his first life-sized donkey in his Berlin apartment, which he then took for walks in the city or for longer trips. The donkey’s experiences when visiting people and its journeys from place to place are contained on an interactive CD-rom.
Wilks described the donkey project this way: »Seven life sized cloth donkeys are travelling from house to house in various countries, after a stay with their hosts the donkeys move on to another home to someone the previous host can trust. In each of the donkey's bellies are disposable photo cameras, which can be used to record the donkeys visit. Sketches, notes, stories and CDs can be included and are most welcome! Everything to be added for the journey should be put inside the belly. From time to time the donkeys will reassemble at public venues, exhibitions and events, so it's important to stay in touch, and contact me, whenever a donkey changes hands or gets stuck.«
His new project relates to George Orwell’s »Animal Farm«.